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Hi, this is a bit about me :)

- I have ADHD


- I deal with a lot of mental health issues and a lot of past trauma


- My moods can do a complete 180, so do not think its strange if I'm happy one minute and depressed the next


-I don’t use tone indicators unless asked too


- I can come across as hostile, defensive, and or bitchy (it’s just my personality, I swear I’m a nice person ;-; )




- MUSIC (my one forever love)

- nintendo

- studio ghibli

- my wonderful boyfriend <3

- anime

- videogames

-making art (digital + physical (painting, drawing, hands on crafts, etc…))



- yelling

- annoying people

- toxic people

- children (<13)

- ignorant people, people who don’t support or dis mental health

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